Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Argument Topics

1. In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea?
2. Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone. Others like to be with friends most of the time. Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends?
3. People should not have to pay to use public transportation.
4. All university should be required to take history courses.
5. People pay too much attention to celebrities.
6. Visiting a museum is the best way to learn about the country.
7. Because life is too complex nowadays, young people are need of the ability to plan and organize.
8. It is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts than for them to learn facts.
9. In order to truly understand world events, we must read newspapers; TV news does not provide enough information.
10. Nowadays, it is not important for families to have a meal together.
11. Advertisements make products look better.
12. Some say it is more important for teachers to relate well with students than to share knowledge.
13. Because people are so busy doing many different things, they do only few things well.
14. Parents can no longer control what their children do; children’s behavior is affected by television, movies, or other influences from outside the home.
15. Being creative, rather than planning carefully, result in the best solution.
16. Are school the only places to receive true education or it is also possible outside of school?
17. A teacher who is serious and strict is more effective than a teacher who is humorous and easygoing.
18. It is important to give students prizes and awards for effort than for achievement.
19. To work large company is better than to work for a small company.
20. Games are just as important for adults as they are for children.
21. The clothing that wear affects they way they behave.
22. Being happy with a job is more important than having a high salary.
23. Only people who earn a lot of money are successful.
24. People are never satisfied with what they have; they always want something different.
25. It is sometimes said that borrowing money from a friend can harm or damage the friendship.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Short I Search Reflection

1. What key things have I learned in writing this short I-Search and “they say I say”?
(1) FTA
I found and understood something like Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is one of the most important parts in the global economy or Korea and America FTA may become possibility and opportunity of spring to us.
(2) Templates
The above template and the others in “They Say I Say” will actually help your writing become more original and creative, not less.
(3) Think about me
I did not have time to think about me. However, Dr. Elliot gave me opportunity to born again.
(4) MLA
I have learned MLA style and how can I do footnote. And I have known about Diigo.

2. How does this relate to what I already know?
Actually, I was disappointed by myself, because I realized that I was ignorant. My lack of knowledge was grave failing. Anyway, this made me soaked up much information. And it united with Knowledge what I already knew, so it became huge. I think it will help me in my career.

3. How can I apply what I’ve learned in my future writings in this class?
I will try to use templates in my future writings. I think if I use template, my essay will be strong and clear. In addition, it gives us own thoughts. Also, I will continue use Diigo. It’s very useful for me. And during the writing, I will hang on other people’s word. My point of view is important, but others people’s opinion make my paper more strong and clear.

4. Can I apply what I’ve learned in this unit to aspects of life outside the classroom?
I’m not sure, but I might do that outside the classroom. For instance, I could not give a valuable advice to my friend who got grievous situation which suffer by U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement. From now on, however, I can advice to my friend even if it is not a good advice for him. Because I made a study of FTA, I can do that. Actually, I don’t know it is a good example about question.

5. What was high point of this writing?
High point of this writing is explained about FTA between U.S. and Korea. And then I suggest my opinion: although it will not have an effect on every areas of Korean economy immediately, we should study and provide for an effect of the FTA thoroughly. If we prepared effective measures, the FTA would be a great opportunity for us to Korea’s economic takeoff.

6. What was the low point of this writing?
First, Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is one of the most important parts in the global economy.
Second, the agreement was made between both countries after a lengthy debate. A negotiation has been a difficult process.
In addition, The KORUS FTA offers us an opportunity to grow our already significant bilateral trade and investment relationship with one of the world’s most diversified and vibrant economies.
Lastly, there are some issues in the agreements on which both countries hold a different view.
7. What obstacle did you encounter in completing this writing?
In fact, I couldn’t understand how I can write story and construct of a story. It was so hard for me. Also, there are too many difficulty technical term, so I should found and understood that. And it was different between research paper which I have known and I search paper.

8. What strategies did I use to overcome these obstacles (got notes from The Learning Center/Writing Center on effective writing and reading techniques, found a learning partner to compare and discuss notes after class?
I searched many information of FTA which written in Korean and English. And then I tried to understand about that. Also, I tried to talk with peoples who know about FTA, but it was not useful.
I went to Western Kentucky University Learning Assistance Centers and I checked my mistake on the paper: grammar, organization.

9. What have I learnt about myself as a writer (strengths and weaknesses, learning style preferences, best times and places to study, balancing study with other responsibilities and commitments)?
I think I am not a good writer. I could not write a good story. Actually, when I start writing, my mind goes blank and I became a natural worrier. When I write a story after a long time, I usually find myself surprised by how much my thought has changed during the time how different I feel about the content of the story.

Monday, October 5, 2009